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第一条 城市房地产税,除另行规定者外,均依本条例之规定,由税务机关征收之。
第二条 开征房地产税之城市,由中央人民政府财政部核定,未经核定者,不得开征。
第三条 房地产税由产权所有人交纳,产权出典者,由承典人交纳;产权所有人、承典人不在当地或产权未确定及租典纠纷未解决者,均由代管人或使用人代为报交。
第四条 下列房地产免纳房地产税:
第五条 下列房地产得减纳或免纳房地产税:
第六条 房地产税依下列标准及税率,分别计征:(注解:自一九五三年起,本条所列税率分别改为1.2%、1.8%、1.8%、18%。)
第七条 前条各种标准价格,依下列方法评定:
第八条 房地产税得按季或按半年分期交纳,由当地税务机关决定之。
第九条 凡开征房地产税之城市,均须组织房地产评价委员会,由当地各界人民代表会议及财政、税务、地政、工务(建设)、工商、公安等部门所派之代表共同组成,受当地人民政府领导,负责进行评价工作。
第十条 房地产评价工作,每年进行一次,如原评价格在下年度经房地产评价委员会审查,认为无重评必要时,得提请当地人民政府批准延长评价有效期限。
第十一条 纳税义务人应于房地产评价公告后一个月内将房地坐落、房屋建筑情况及间数、面积等,向当地税务机关申报,如产权人住址变更、产权转移或房屋添建、改装因而变更房地价格者,并应于变更、转移或工竣后十日内申报之。免税之房地产,亦须依照前项规定,办理申报。
第十二条 税务机关应设置房地产税查征底册,绘制土地分级地图,根据评价委员会之评价结果及纳税义务人之申报,分别进行调查、登记、核税,并开发交款通知书,限期交库。
第十三条 纳税义务人不依第十一条规定期限申报者,处以五十万元(注解:“五十万元”系旧人民币,新人民币为“五十元”。)以下之罚金。
第十四条 纳税义务人隐匿房地产不报或申报不实,企图偷漏税款者,除责令补交外,并处以应纳税额五倍以下之罚金。
第十五条 前两条所列违章行为,任何人均得举发,经查实处理后,得以罚金20-30%奖给举发人,并为保守秘密。
第十六条 不按期交纳税款者,除限日追交外,并按日处以应纳税额1%的滞纳金。
第十七条 房地产税稽征办法由省(市)税务机关依本条例拟定,报请省(市)人民政府核准实施并层报中央人民政府财政部税务总局备案。
第十八条 本条例公布后,各地有关房地产税之单行办法一律废止。
第十九条 本条例自公布之日施行。(附英文)


(Promulgated by the Central People's Government AdministrationCouncil on August 8, 1951)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the Central People's Government Administration
Council on August 8, 1951)
Article 1
Except as otherwise stipulated, urban real estate tax shall be collected
by the tax authorities in accordance with the provisions of these
Article 2
The Ministry of Finance of the Central People's Government shall designate
the cities in which real estate tax shall be imposed; the tax shall not be
imposed in cities that have not been so designated.
Article 3
The owner of property shall be liable for the payment of real estate tax.
Where the property is subject to a mortgage, the mortgagee shall be liable
for payment. Where the owner and the mortgagee are not present at the
locality in which the property is situated, where ownership of the
property has not been established or where disputes in connection with the
tenancy and mortgage of the property have not been resolved, the tax shall
be paid by the custodian or the user of the property on behalf of the
owner or mortgagee.
Article 4
The following categories of real estate shall be exempt from real estate
(1) real estate owned by military units, government agencies and social
organizations for their own use;
(2) real estate owned by public schools and registered private schools for
their own use;
(3) real estate used as a park, scenic spot or historic site or for other
public purposes;
(4) real estate used exclusively by mosques or lamaseries;
(5) real estate used exclusively by temples of other religions for which
tax exemption has been granted by the people's government at the
provincial (municipal) level or higher.
Article 5
Reductions of or exemptions from real estate tax shall be granted in
respect of the following categories of real estate:
(1) newly constructed buildings shall be exempt from real estate tax for a
period of three years commencing the month in which the construction is
(2) renovated buildings for which the renovation expenses exceed one half
of the expenses of the new construction of such buildings shall be exempt
from real estate tax for a period of two years commencing the month in
which the renovation is completed;
(3) other real estate in respect of which due to special circumstances,
the people's government at the provincial (municipal) level or higher, has
determined that reductions of or exemptions from real estate tax shall be
Article 6
Real estate tax shall be assessed according to the following criteria and
tax rates: [*1]
(1) the tax on buildings shall be assessed annually at the rate of 1% of
the standard value of buildings;
(2) the tax on land shall be assessed annually at the rate of 1.5% of the
standard value of land;
(3) the tax shall be provisionally assessed annually at the rate of 1.5%
of the consolidated standard value of land and building in cities in which
it is difficult to determine separately the standard value of land and the
standard value of buildings;
(4) the tax shall be provisionally assessed annually at the rate of 15% of
the standard rental value of real estate in cities in which it is
difficult to determine the standard values of land and buildings.
Article 7
The standard values, as mentioned in the preceding Article, shall be
appraised as follows:
(1) the standard value of buildings shall be appraised in terms of
different categories and grades in accordance with the general local
market value, and with reference to the current price of local building
(2) the standard value of land shall be appraised in terms of different
districts and grades according to such conditions as the location of the
land, the degree of prosperity of the locality and communication
facilities and with reference to the general local market value of the
(3) the standard value of real estate shall be appraised according to the
location of the real estate and building, construction circumstances and
taking into account the local aggregate market value of real estate for
different districts and categories and grades of real estate;
(4) the standard rental of real estate shall be appraised in terms of
different districts, categories and grades and, in general, according to
the local aggregate rental value of the land and its affixed buildings.
Article 8
Real estate tax may be paid quarterly or semi-annually, which shall be
determined by the local tax authorities.
Article 9
A commission for real estate assessment, composed of representatives
designated by local people's conferences of various circles, and
representatives designated by such departments as finance, taxation, land
administration, civil engineering (construction), industry and commerce,
and public security shall be established in all cities in which real
estate tax is imposed. The commission shall be under the direction of the
local people's government and shall be responsible for carrying out the
work of real estate assessment.
Article 10
Real estate shall be assessed once a year. Where, on examination of the
original assessed value, the real estate assessment commission determines
that reassessment is not necessary, the extension of validity of the
assessment of the previous year shall be submitted to the local people's
government for approval.
The results of assessment or the extension of the validity of the
assessment of a previous year, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph,
shall be subject to examination, approval and notification by the local
people's government.
Article 11
The tax payers shall, within one month following the notification of the
assessment, file a return with the local tax authorities of the location
in which the real estate is situated as to the condition of the buildings,
the number of rooms, the floor space and other information. Changes in the
addresses of the owners, transfers of ownership or the expansion or
renovation of buildings which result in changes in the value of the
property must be reported to the local tax authorities within 10 days
following the change of address, the transfer of ownership or the
completion of expansion or renovation. Returns in respect of real estate
which is exempt from real estate tax shall also be filed in accordance
with the preceding provisions.
Article 12
The tax authorities shall establish a register in respect of the
investigation and imposition of real estate tax and shall prepare detailed
maps showing the different grades of land; on the basis of the results of
assessments made by the commission and the returns filed by taxpayers, the
tax authorities shall proceed with the investigation, registration and
verification of the tax and shall issue a notice for payment of the tax to
the treasury within the time limit.
In the event that a taxpayer disagrees with the result of the assessment
of the real estate, the taxpayer shall both pay the tax and apply to the
commission for consideration.
Article 13
A fine of five hundred thousand yuan or less [*2] shall be imposed on a
tax payer who fails to file the return within the time limit as prescribed
in Article 11.
Article 14
In the event that a taxpayer fails to declare real estate holdings or who
files a fraudulent return and thereby attempts to evade the tax shall, in
addition to payment of the tax so evaded, be liable to a fine of five
times or less of the tax due.
Article 15
Every person shall report violations of the provisions set forth in the
two preceding Articles. Following the investigation and disposal of the
violation, the information shall be granted a reward in the amount of 20
to 30% of the fine; confidentiality shall be maintained in respect of
these reports.
Article 16
Where there is a failure to pay the tax on time, in addition to setting a
new time limit for payment of the tax, a late payment fine of 1% of the
amount of the tax due shall be imposed for each day the tax remains
Where payment of the tax is not made within thirty days following the time
limit for payment, and the tax authorities consider that there is no
justification for late payment, the case shall be transferred to the
people's courts for disposal.
Article 17
The provincial (municipal) tax authorities shall, in accordance with these
Regulations, formulate measures for the investigation and collection of
real estate tax and shall submit the measures to the provincial
(municipal) people's government for approval and implementation and shall
also submit the measures to the General Taxation Bureau under the Ministry
of Finance of the Central People's Government for the record.
Article 18
Upon the promulgation of these Regulations, all local rules relating to
the taxation of real estate tax shall be annulled.
Article 19
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
[*1] Beginning from 1953, the tax rates listed thereof have been adjusted
into 1.2%, 1.8%, 1.8%, and 18% respectively.
[*2] Here the sum "five hundred thousand yuan" refers to the Old Renminbi,
which, when converted into the New Renminbi, is equivalent to "fifty
yuan". - The Editor.

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第一章 政治规范
第一条 以马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导,坚持党的基本路线,在思想上、政治上、行动上与以江泽民同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,努力为经济建设和社会发展服务。
第二条 遵守宪法、法律、法规,维护国家法制统一,维护国家安全、荣誉和利益。
第三条 严格执行政府的决定、命令和指示,确保政令畅通、令行禁止。
第四条 关心群众疾苦,倾听群众意见,维护群众利益,接受群众监督,全心全意为人民服务。
第五条 忠于国家,维护政府形象。不得组织或参与旨在反对政府的集会、游行、示威等活动;不得组织或参加罢工。

第二章 业务规范
第六条 努力学习和掌握社会主义市场经济知识、科技文化知识、法律知识和有关专业知识,精通本职业务,不断提高行政管理能力。
第七条 忠于职守,恪尽职守,依法行政。严格按规定的职责权限和工作程序履行公务。
第八条 解放思想,实事求是,创造性地开展工作。不得弄虚作假,不搞形式主义。
第九条 处理公务认真负责,讲求工作效率,保证工作质量。不得敷衍塞责、推诿扯皮。
第十条 遵守保密规定和保密纪律。严禁泄漏国家秘密和工作秘密。
第十一条 在涉外活动中遵守外事纪律,讲究外事礼仪,尊重对方风俗习惯。不得损害国家利益和民族尊严。
第十二条 遵守工作纪律和规章制度。不得迟到、早退、旷工和擅离职守;不得在工作时间从事与本职业务无关的活动。
第十三条 执行公务时举止端正,仪表整洁、庄重。提倡讲普通话。

第三章 廉政规范
第十四条 严格遵守廉洁从政的规定。不得侵占国家、集体及他人财产;不得从事有偿中介和其它营利性活动;不得在经济实体中兼职或领取报酬;不得违反规定收受礼品。
第十五条 秉公办事,不徇私情。不得利用职务之便为个人谋取私利或为亲友就业、录用、调动、提职、晋级、出国等谋求照顾;不得以任何形式妨碍、干扰他人正常行使职权。
第十六条 艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约。不得讲排场、比阔气、奢侈腐化;不得超标准配备和使用办公、交通、通讯设备;不得接受超标准招待以及可能影响公正执行公务的宴请。
第十七条 执行国家有关禁止公费旅游、消费的规定。不得巧立名目用公款在国内外旅游;不得组织或参加用公款支付的高消费娱乐活动。
第十八条 遵守办理婚丧喜庆事宜的有关规定。不得大操大办和借机敛财。

第四章 道德规范
第十九条 恪守社会主义道德,积极追求和实践优良社会风尚。坚持集体主义原则,爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义。
第二十条 爱岗敬业,文明礼貌,热情服务,奉献社会。
第二十一条 忠诚老实,公道正派,谦虚严谨,言行一致,团结同志,互相帮助,坚持真理,修正错误。
第二十二条 模范遵守社会公德,自觉维护公共秩序,助人为乐、扶贫帮困,见义勇为、惩恶扬善,爱护公物、保护环境。
第二十三条 严于律己,自尊自爱,生活检点,情操高尚。不得参与或支持色情、吸毒、迷信、赌博等活动。

第五章 监督管理
第二十四条 国家公务员违反本规范的,由有关机关根据情节轻重,按规定给予批评教育、行政处理或纪律处分;触犯刑律的,由司法机关追究刑事责任。
第二十五条 市地人民政府、行署和省政府部门负责本规范的组织实施,加强监督检查,及时查处、纠正公务员违反本规范的行为。
第二十六条 县级以上人民政府人事行政部门负责本规范实施中的综合协调和监督管理工作。
第二十七条 本规范自发布之日起施行。




